SEO 101

Spreading word about your business is important, especially the through word of mouth. What if you can do this sort of advertising in a much expedient manner? This is where the internet comes in. [...]

How Your Website Links Directly Affect SEO

SEO can be a quite complicated thing if you plunge your head into it. It is a very dynamic world where changes and updates happen regularly and there are lots of vagueness and speculation [...]

Effective Keywords For Your SEO

In dabbling with SEO, the main goal should always be putting your website up in the rankings, if not in the first one, at least in the top ten or the first page in the SERP. To achieve this, one [...]

How to Improve Your YouTube SEO

Ever since the dawn of marketing, marketers have been aware that they could not just publish content online frequently, but instead they have to publish their content with substance. Now, [...]

You Are What Google Says You Are

If you are running a business whether it be small or large, you’d always want your business to do great and not just get by and be okay, not spectacular not great, just mediocre. People who start [...]

What You Missed on Google Last Month

There was some strange activity that happened specifically in Gmail in July 2017 that affected the performance of the subscribers and obviously caused some great concern among the community. [...]

Content Marketing and The 8 Hard to Ignore Benefits

1. Content Marketing Generates More Inbound Traffic to Your Site The primary benefit content marketing delivers for your business is to generate valuable inbound traffic to your blog, website, [...]

26 Proven Marketing Strategies for a Small Budget

1. Comment on blogs A great way to get your website popular is to comment on other blogs. For this to work you have to leave comments on blogs that are related to your website and the comments [...]

10 Top Google Hints & Tips You Might Not Know

1. Anchor Text Google are now relying less and less on keywords in anchor text as a ranking signal. Links should be built in large chunks or relevant text using anchor texts like “Click here for [...]

SEO COPYWRITING 10 TIPS for writing QUALITY content

Write for humans — don’t optimize for robots its 2015, nobody wants to read SEO content not even the search engines. Everything points to the fact that Google prefers natural content to obvious [...]